Return policy
I want you to love your purchase, and I won’t be happy if you’re not. If the goods arrive and are damaged or not as described, please let me know within 48 hours, providing your order number along with a photo of the item and a description of the issue, and I will arrange a refund or exchange.
If you’re returning your order for any other reason, you are entitled to a full refund (minus the postage and any applicable customs fees and/or sales taxes) if the item is returned ‘as new’ in its original, saleable condition within 28 days of receipt.
Please send all returns back in their original (or similarly robust) packaging, state the reason for the return, and tell me whether you’d like a refund or exchange. Retain your proof of posting, as I cannot be held responsible for items that get lost or damaged in transit.
Please give me up to two weeks upon receipt of the return to process your refund or exchange. Any refunds granted will be credited to the payment card used at the time of order processing.